mindfulness digital & print


NL PUBLISHING is a small Publishing House located Hamburg with a focus on Mindfulness digital and print.


NL MINDFUL OUR 8 weeks digital science based Mindfulness class for emotion and stress regulation:


digital MINDFULNESs anytime & from Anywhere

Your personal 8 weeks online class NL MINDFUL has a focus on Mindfulness in Your Daily Life with Breathing Practices, Mediations with different topics and Mindfulness in Movement. NL MINDFUL is a class for better emotion & stress regulation. You receive Audio Lessons and written Lectures on Monday and Friday sent by your teacher via email with a weekly overview of your assignments. Work on your lessons any time and from anywhere.Your Mindfulness Teacher is Director of NL MINDFUL Melanie Kettner. More here.

MINDFULNESS class based on Science

NL MINDFUL is based on the Research at Mindfulness Awareness Research Center at University of L.A. MARC and the studies of Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn and Prof. Mark Williams at Oxford University and the Self-Compassion Studies by Neff/Germer.

mindfulness class with personal support

Your personal teacher at NL Mindful is Director of NL MINDFUL & Publisher of NL PUBLISHING Melanie Kettner. Support during the whole class: during office Time Mo-Fr 10-17.00. Get in touch: contact@nl-mindful.com In cases of urgency drop us a message any time, your Mindfulness teacher responds as quick as possible. We adapt our online Mindfulness course accordingly to the pace of your daily life, if needed, to give you more time for your studies.


NL MAGAZINE our Independent &
International Print Magazine distributed in London (MMS Ltd.)
NL Magazine Vol. 1-3:
NL1 throws a light on the Nordic Nature & Culture & Soul:

We meet young Nordic Adventurers and Photographers. NL Magazine brings together the unmistakably Nordic ways of Thinking & Mindful Living. NL Magazine is a guide to better understand how we can nurture and improve our state of mind and has a focus on Mindfulness.

NL1 has a focus on how we engage with Nordic Nature and how Nature may influence our decisions in life.

NL2 is our female summer edition:

NL2 has a focus on the soul and gives space to a selection of female contributors from around the globe to express themselves about soul topics that are especially meaningful to them.

NL3 is our Edition for Nordic Homes & Gardens:

The NL3 writers and photographers are seeking out solace in the beauty of homes, gardens & landscape, looking for the comfort and ease of our homes. At home we set the atmosphere and rhythm of our day, we restore our human balance, far away from the hectic outside world. A home can balance us with a deep sense of security. Our homes, gardens and landscapes change our habits, minds and feelings. They respond to emotional needs and are touching our souls. Home is the place where we belong.

NL MAGAZINE is distributed in London UK. More information here.

NL MAGIC-Visuals by NL PUBLISHING AI generated


Images by NL  MAGIC with AI