online mindfulness class

NL MINDFUL-  online Mindfulness class based on science with personal support:

NL MINDFUL is your online Mindfulness class to cope better with stress in daily life and for a better emotion regulation. You can work on your 8 weeks digital Mindfulness class any time and from anywhere, you get written Lectures and Audio Files via email twice a week on Monday and Friday with a weekly overview of your Assignments. Throughout your 8 weeks class you have the possibility to get in touch with your personal Mindfulness Teacher, Director of NL MINDFUL Melanie Kettner.

Get in touch to order week1 for free to get a feeling for our Mindfulness class.

Personal support by your teacher is our main focus at your NL MINDFUL online mindfulness class:

Your teacher at NL MINDFUL is Director of NL MINDFUL & Publisher of NL PUBLISHING Melanie Kettner. She has studied Psycholinguistics and is regularly attending Mindfulness classes at the Mindfulness Research Center at the University of Los Angeles. She is practicing Mindfulness for 20 years.

At NL MINDFUL students get regular support of their Mindfulness Teacher. You can send questions during office time throughout the whole class and one week after the class has finished. Your personal teacher responds as quick as possible. We stay in contact with our students later on, if questions emerges. All Lectures and all Audio Files are from your Teacher.

Office Time: Monday to Friday: 10-17.00

online mindfulness class NL MINDFUL has a focus on Mindfulness in Daily Life & on a better stress regulation:

We integrate in your daily life Breathing Practices, Mediations with different topics, Mindful Movement & Walking Meditation. In the second Part of our class, in week 5-8 we focus on emotion regulation and resilience in stressful situations. We learn to improve our approach to stress and pain through Mindfulness and to deal better with challenges in life.

NL MINDFUL has a clear structure, especially helpful for those new to Mindfulness. Our 8 weeks class is a good way to learn Mindfulness in a thorough way with personal advice whenever needed.
Flexibility of our Mindfulness class:

We offer students a break of 2 or 4 weeks after the first part of the Mindfulness class. For this break you will get a list with Inspirations for your Mindfulness practice and Assignments you can work on. We adapt the class to your personal needs if necessary. There is no end to our Mindfulness class, we stay in touch with our students on their further way of exploring Mindfulness.

NL MINDFUL is based on the mindfulness research at UCLA MINDFULat the University of Los Angeles and  Prof. Mark Willams and his 8 week MBCT class (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) at Oxford University.

NL MINDFUL uses the Mindfulness Philosophy and Breathing Practices of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn.

Price of NL MINDFUL 560 EUR:
The price is payable in 2 parts:
280 EUR for Part1 and 280 EUR for Part2.

You can ask for a break of 2-4 weeks between Part 1 and Part 2 of your Mindfulness class.

The Price is for:
8 weeks Mindfulness class & personal support by your Mindfulness teacher throughout the whole class, with the possibility to get advice one week after the class has finished and we stay in contact with our students furthermore.

After your bank transfer NL MINDFUL class starts the following Monday!


Science showed that an unfocused mind is an unhappy mind
Mindfulness & Science

Science studies showed an improved regulation of emotion, a reduction of stress and a positive effect on our Immune System. Mindfulness has a positive impact on Anxiety, Insomnia and is part of a variety of clinical treatments.1)If focusing on your breath feels not right for you, we offer a variety of other Anchoring techniques.

Brief daily mediation enhances attention, memory, mood and emotional regulation in non-experienced meditators.

Mindfulness & Stress:
Stress is an ongoing topic in our life. Minor stress can add up during the day and acute stress can become chronic stress. Hyperarousal can be a chronic state of body and mind and exhaustion follows any time soon. Science showed that an unfocused mind is an unhappy mind.1) In Mindfulness we therefore learn to maintain and shift our attention by Anchoring: Connecting with our anchor the breath in our Meditations.

Breathing Techniques

We integrate Mindful Breathing in between during the day, this will improve your breathing, your concentration and relaxation.

People under stress, anxiety or pain breathe more quickly and less regularly. Meditators have a slower breath, indicating reduced automatic response, better mood and improved health.

Trauma sensitive Mindfulness Class:

In cases of Trauma Meditation can cause flashbacks. Support by a therapist is needed in these cases. Mindfulness supports self regulation, stability and attention regulation in this therapy setting.

At NL MINDFUL We follow the rules for TSM, Trauma sensitive Mindfulness by David A. Treleaven.

Please read our NL MINDFUL Health Questionnaire and send it to us, so that we can be sure that every student attending this digital class gets the right support. Get in touch with questions.

This class is not a Psychotherapy. A Mindfulness class might be helpful when waiting for your Therapy or might be sufficient as support in minor stress coping situations. Get in touch with your doctor, therapist or send us an email with questions.

More about NL MINDFUL:

Pictures: NL MAGIC- AI generated

1) Harvard Gazette. Read here
James Nestor: “Breath- The New Science of a Lost Art”, 2020.